Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Audiobooks! They're like you reading stuff out loud, but in a better voice.

"Forever and Ever, Armageddon" - my collection of short stories from 2014 - is now available as an audiobook from Amazon. Narrated by the wonderful Kristina Fitzgerald, it's a collection of 24 varied short stories; horror, science fiction and satire.
  1. Lucky Penny
  2. Good Dog
  3. These Words Will Come to Haunt You
  4. Once A Pun a Time
  5. KomRaid
  6. Scapegoat
  7. Forever and Ever, Armageddon
  8. You v2.0
  9. Adventurebots Assemble
  10. The Bogey Man
  11. A Change of Tactics
  12. Red Tide
  13. Keeping up with the Joneses
  14. Blasphemous Tumours
  15. BattleSuit
  16. Qil
  17. Undercurrent
  18. RSVP
  19. Adlib to Fade
  20. Tipping the Scales
  21. Double Dare
  22. Three Divided by One
  23. The Muse at Ten
  24. The Everywhere Song
From these stories, BattleSuit features in comic form in the graphic novel The Theory|, available from TPub. Blasphemous Tumours and Undercurrent can be found in the Stitched Smile books Unleashing the Voices Within and Hydrophobia, respectively.

Kristina has done a wonderful job of making my words sound awesome, and I can strongly recommend you give it a listen. If you're inclined to review it (and that would be awesome), drop me a line at davidjcourt at and I'll pop you a promotional code.

To join Audible (or sign up for a 30 day free trial) and give this a listen, click here.  To order your copy from Amazon, click here.

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